Recently, it has been documented the phenomenon of inducible tolerance to the clastogenic effects of Arsenic (REF). Some therapeutic uses of arsenic-containing compounds have been developed in the last years. Arsenic-containing drugs are today almost exclusively used in the treatment of protozoan infections (REF) and acute promyelocytic leukaemia (REF). Another revolutionary study probed that after arsenic-induced malignant transformation, these cells appear to acquire resistance to apoptosis (REF).
Based on this results, my proposal is based on the regrettable situation happened at the end of the World War II, when many war-criminals avoided the justice taking advantage of the suicide. If the actual knowledge about the induction of Arsenic tolerance had been known before, the Allies had anticipated the dead of lots of criminals giving some microdosis of Arsenic, preventing the well-known nazis' final.
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