26 septiembre 2009


I found out this exciting article published on June 2009 in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing. The title is "Growing up at the intersection of the genomic era and the information age" [Citation: J Pediatr Nurs 2009 Jun;24(3):189-93. Epub 2008 Apr 28.].

I quoted the abstract:
"Children actively seek to make sense of their worlds based on the information they receive and their experience. For children growing up at the intersection of genomic era and information age, the array of information and experience continues to expand. This article highlights the importance of exploring these early contexts for learning, including the children's exposure to books and mass media, and the impact of early learning on later health literacy and behaviors. This article presents a case study discussing the inheritance of cystic fibrosis using the Harry Potter book series."

Another article:
(Acknowledgments to Daniel and Daniela)

Harry Potter and the curse of headache.

The New England Center for Headache, Stamford, CT, USA.

"Headache disorders are common in children and adolescents. Even young male Wizards are disabled by them. In this article we review Harry Potter's headaches as described in the biographical series by JK Rowling. Moreover, we attempt to classify them. Regrettably we are not privy to the Wizard system of classifying headache disorders and are therefore limited to the Muggle method, the International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition (ICHD-II). Harry's headaches are recurrent. Although conforming to a basic stereotype, and constant in location, throughout the 6 years of his adolescence so far described they have shown a tendency to progression. Later descriptions include a range of accompanying symptoms. Despite some quite unusual features, they meet all but one of the ICHD-II criteria for migraine, so allowing the diagnosis of 1.6 Probable migraine."


1 comentario:

Chica Oso dijo...

jajaja, pinche pubmed
se te ocurrió pubmediar HP?
jajajaja, en un par de años lo intentaré con Crepúsculo,chale.